Pearl Street
Boulder, Colorado 80302
Email: info@boulderbookstore.com
Phone: 303-447-2074
Fax: 303-447-3946
Toll free 1-800-244-4651Normal Hours: (Subject to change for
holidays) All hours are Mountain Time (GMT -7:00)
- Monday - Friday
10 am - 10 pm
- Saturday 9 am - 10 pm
- Sunday 10 am - 8 pm
Summer and Holiday
Hours (typically Memorial day to Labor day and
Thanksgiving to Christmas)
- Monday - Thursday
10 am - 10 pm
- Friday 10 am - 11 pm
- Saturday 9 am - 11 pm
- Sunday 10 am - 9 pm
Where to Park When
Visiting Us
We provide meter tokens and free parking validation for
city lots to our customers. The Spruce Street parking
structure is located directly north of the store. There
is a short-term meter lot at Broadway and Spruce. Other
lots and structures are located at 1100 Walnut, 1400
Walnut (by the RTD), and 1500 Pearl. There is free street
parking in local neighborhoods for two to three hours,
depending on the neighborhood. On weekends, parking is
unlimited in most neighborhoods, but do check the street
signs when you park for possible exceptions. We also
encourage alternative transportation modes.
Call Go Boulder at 303-441-3266 or go on-line at www.ci.boulder.co.us/goboulder
to get HOP and SKIP maps and schedules and other
Book Store's Special page for The Guide to Getting
It On
Guide to Getting It On!: A New and Mostly
Wonderful Book About Sex for Adults of All Ages 2nd
from The
Goofy Foot Press reviewed by Marycourtney
This is a
hot, steamy, passionate...and hilarious
book! The people from the Goofy Foot
Press are neither physicians nor licensed
sex therapists, yet they still seem to
have their facts straight. The Guide to
Getting It On! is the book you had always
wished your parents had hidden away on
the bookshelf behind all those other more
respectable ones. Yet it deals with today's
issues in such a down-to-earth way that
you can't help but want to put it out for
all to read. The book takes a very health
approach to human sexuality. Using blunt
and very descriptive explanations, and
encompassing heterosexual, homosexual and
bisexual preferences, the authors
encourage us to enjoy our bodies and
celebrate sexuality...but safely and
wisely. Unleash the wild beast within
go goofy-footed.
The Guide to
Getting It On!: A New and Mostly
Wonderful Book About Sex for Adults of
All Ages 2nd Ed. ($19.95)