I: Foundations of Rolfing® Structural Integration
Phase I: Accelerated Foundations of Rolfing® Structural
Integration |
Texts |
Calais-Germain, Blandine.
Anatomy of Movement. |
Biel, Andrew. Trail
Guide to the Body (Books of Discovery). |
An anatomy atlas. These
are recommendations, although any good atlas will suffice:
(Note: The anatomy atlases
listed above are rather expensive, so you may want to
wait until class starts and look them over before
deciding which one you prefer).
McIntosh, Nina. The
Educated Heart.
Caspari, Monica. Mindful
Motion. Out of print. We DO have copies that we have
produced, but are unable to list them online at this time.
To order a copy, please call us at 303-447-2074. A
digital version is also available for free. Please
contact The Rolf Institute for the link. |
Texts |
following books are not required but are HIGHLY
RECOMMENDED as additional texts for your studies. These
books will aid you in your studies and enhance your
understanding of Anatomy & Physiology, Structural
Kinesiology (the study of muscles, their attachments and
Movements), and Therapeutic Relationship. |
General Juhan, Deanne. Job's Body, (Station Hill Press).
One of the best books ever written on anatomy and
physiology for bodyworkers. It is not a "beginner's
text" and, therefore, is not assigned as the A&P
textbook for Phase I. It does, however, give insights
into this material that one does not get from standard A&P
texts. An absolute "must have" for anyone who
is considering a career as any type of bodyworker.
Anatomy and Physiology
- The
Anatomy Coloring Book (authors and publishers have
changed over the years)
- Alcamo, Edward. Anatomy
and Physiology-The Easy Way,(Barron's). A good,
beginner's textbook with just enough detail to
fill out the material presented in classroom
lectures for those desiring more information. Now
titled Barron's E-Z Anatomy and Physiology By
Edward I. Alcamo, Barbara Krumhardt, 2010.
- Tortora, Gerald and
Derrickson, Bryan. Principles
of Anatomy and Physiology,(Harper Collins). A much
more in-depth text on anatomy and physiology with
greater detail than A&P-The Easy Way. This is
a textbook commonly used in nursing schools. A
great book for anyone really interested in
delving into the intricacies of A&P.
- Rohen, Yokichi,
Lutjen-Drecoll. Color
Atlas of Anatomy (Williams and Wilkins)
Kinesiology Atlas
- Stone and Stone. Atlas
of Skeletal Muscles, (Wm. C. Brown). A well presented
textbook with diagrams of individual muscles that
will greatly aid in your study of Structural
- Bowden, Bradley and
Joan. An Illustrated Atlas of Skeletal Muscles.
(Morton Publishing Co.) &ndash Out of Print.
To try to buy a used copy, see out-of-print
bookstore list above.
II: Embodiment of Rolfing® Structural Integration &
Rolf Movement® Integration
Phase III: Clinical Application of Rolfing® Theory |
Texts |
Bond, Mary. The New
Rules of Posture: How to Sit, Stand and Walk in the
Modern World. |
Texts |
Rolfing® Structural
- Agneessens, Carol. The
Fabric of Wholeness: Biological Intelligence and
Relational Gravity. (Quantum Institute Press, 2001).
- Bond, Mary. Balancing
the Body: A Self Help Approach to Rolfing
Movement. (November 1996).
- Maitland, Jeffrey. Spacious
Body : Explorations in Somatic Ontology (October 1995)
- Maitland, Jeffrey. Spinal
Manipulation Made Simple : A Manual of Soft
Tissue Techniques. (North Atlantic Books,
- Prado, Pedro. Structural
Stretches: Self Exploration and Cultivating the
Vertical. (2001). We DO have copies that we
have imported from Brazil, but are unable to list
them online at this time. To order a copy, please
call us at 303-447-2074.
- Rolf, I.P. Rolfing:
Reestablishing the Natural Alignment and
Structural Integration of the Human Body for
Vitality and Well-Being (Healing Arts Press, 1989).
- Brecklinghaus, Hans
Georg. Rolfing
Structural Integration: What it achieves, how it
works and whom it helps (La Vergne, TN: Lightning
Sorce, Inc., 2002).
- Brecklinghaus, Hans
Georg. The
Human Beings are Awoken, You have set them
upright. Body Structure and Conception of Man in
Ancient Egyptian Art and the Present Day ISBN: 3-932803-04-3 (Lebenshaus
Verlag (Germany), Distributed by Lighting Source
Inc. (La Vergne, TN.)
Anatomy and
- Gorman, David. The
Body Moveable. (Learning Methods Publications).
- Kapandji, I.A. The
Physiology of the Joints, 5th Edition, (New
York: Churchill Livingstone, 1970). The three
volumes give a very clear and graphic description
of the mechanics of joint action. This
complements the anatomical perspective as well as
the kinesiological perspective. &ndash Out of
Print. To try to buy a used copy, see out-of-print
bookstore list above.
- Vol 1:
Upper Limb
- Vol 2:
Lower Limb
- Vol 3:
Vertical Column, Pelvic Girdle and Head
- Kapit, W. and Elson,
L.M. The
Anatomy Coloring Book, (New York: Harper).
- Luttgens, Deutsch,
and Hamilton. Kinesiology:
Scientific Basis of Human Motion, 9th Edition, (Philadelphia:
Saunders College Publishing, 1992 Note: Latest
edition is from 2011). This text gives a clear
introduction to the concepts of Kinesiology. Your
optional study guide will be based in part on
this book and its assignments. It gives a ground
for the concepts of the class. Please consider
getting another book or two for reference.
- Myers, Tom. Anatomy
(Harcourt Publishers, 2014).
- Stone and Stone. Atlas
of Skeletal Muscles, (Wm. C. Brown, 1997).
Out of print. To try to buy a used copy, see out-of-print
bookstore list above.
- Warfel, J.H., The
Extremities, 5th Edition, (Philadelphia: Lea
& Febiger, 1985). Out of print. To try to buy
a used copy, see out-of-print bookstore list above.
- Warfel, J.H., The
Head, Neck, and Trunk, 5th Edition, (Philadelphia:
Lea and Febiger, 1985). Out of print. To try to
buy a used copy, see out-of-print bookstore list above.
These books are handy for
learning the muscle attachments, and very useful for the
beginning student; however, they do not provide any
organizing context for relating these concepts. They can
be useful as an adjunct to any of the above-listed
textbooks, but you must derive the larger concepts from
the accompanying texts.
- Bloch, George. Body
and Self,(Wm. Kaufmann, Inc., 1985). Out of
print. To try to buy a used copy, see out-of-print
bookstore list above.
- Cottingham, J.T. Healing
Through Touch: A History and Review of the
Physiological Evidence, (Boulder: Rolf
Institute, 1985). Out of print. To try to buy a
used copy, see out-of-print bookstore list above.
- Juhan, Deanne. Job's
(Station Hill Press).
- Tortora, Gerald and
Derrickson, Bryan. Principles
of Anatomy and Physiology,(Harper Collins).
Other Recommended
Texts Designed to Supplement Preparation
- Callahan, P.S. Tuning
Into Nature,(Flag Press, 1975). Out of print.
To try to buy a used copy, see out-of-print
bookstore list above.
- Kendall and McCreary.
Testing and Function, 3rd Edition (Williams and Wilkins).
- Naugt and Callander. Illustrated
Physiology, (New York: Churchill Livingstone).
Out of print. To try to buy a used copy, see out-of-print
bookstore list above.
- Oschman, J.L. Energy
Medicine: The Scientific Basis of Bioenergy
Therapies (2000).
- The CIBA
Collection of Medical Illustrations: The
Musculoskeletal System (Volume 8), CIBA-Geigy,
14 Henderson Drive, West Caldwell, NJ 07006.
Bodywork &
- Aposhyan, Susan. Natural
Intelligence: Body-Mind Integration and Human
Intelligence. (Williams & Willkins, 1999).
Out of print. To try to buy a used copy, see out-of-print
bookstore list above.
- Berthoz, Alan. The
Brains Sense of Movement. (Harvard
University Press, 2000). Out of print. To try to
buy a used copy, see out-of-print bookstore list above.
- Lauterstein, David. Putting
the Soul Back in the Body.Out of print. To
try to buy a used copy, see out-of-print bookstore list above.
- McHose and Frank, How
Life Moves, Explorations in Meaning and Body
Awareness (North Atlantic Books, 2006).
- Caspari, Monica. Mindful
Motion. (Boulder Bookstore, 2002). Out of
print. We DO have copies that we have produced,
but are unable to list them online at this time.
To order a copy, please call us at 303-447-2074.
- Riggs, Art. Deep
Tissue Massage: A Visual Guide to Techniques. (North Atlantic Books,
Berkeley, CA,).
List of Rolfing Books/Resources for Your Consideration
- R.
Louis Schultz & Rosemary Feitis. The Endless Web: Fascial
Anatomy and Physical (North
Atlantic Books) ISBN: 1-55643-228-3
- Rolf,
Ida. Rolfing: the Integration of Human
Structures (Dennis-Landman, publishers) Out
of print. To try to buy a used copy, see out-of-print bookstore list above.
Format Gil Hedley, Ph.D. The
Integral Anatomy Series Volume 1: Skin and
Superficial Fascia (Integral Anatomy
Productions, LLC) order from 2005, ISBN:
Format Gil Hedley, Ph.D. The
Integral Anatomy Series Vol. 2: Deep
Fascia and Muscle, also now available at